Asian stocks rose on Friday as they tried to recover from a slow start to 2025. The dollar remained steady, close to a two-year high against…
On Wednesday, released data showed Australian wage growth unexpectedly fell from 15-year highs in the first quarter. This could signal the cycle’s top and suggest the labor market…
Sydney – On Monday, Australia’s treasurer issued a warning, citing developments in the Middle East as a source of concern for the world economy. These developments…
Travel in China thrived over the three-day New Year’s holiday, with 135 million domestic tourist trips, up 155% from last year, and domestic tourism revenue increasing…
For the first time since January 2022, central banks in major developed nations did not raise interest rates in September, while emerging markets maintained their split…
Every year on September 27th, people from around the globe come together to celebrate World Tourism Day. This special day is an opportunity to reflect on…