A few weeks after Telegram’s founder was charged with enabling the platform to assist criminal activity, hackers made stolen customer data from Star Health publicly available.…
Browsing: #cyberthreats
In the rapidly evolving landscape of modern banking, cybersecurity has become indispensable. As financial institutions increasingly digitize their operations and client interactions, the need for robust…
On Wednesday, the U.S. government announced an inquiry into the cyberattack on the UnitedHealth Group’s (UNH.N) Change Healthcare. The investigation aims to determine if protected health…
Two experts assert that UnitedHealth Group (UNH.N) paid $22 million to regain access to data and systems encrypted by the “Blackcat” ransomware gang. The claim surfaced…
Leaked documents reveal that a Chinese cyber security firm claimed to possess the capability to hack the UK Foreign Office. The i-Soon data leak comprises information…